新关注 > 信息聚合 > 分析老玩家回归奖励的背后故事


Analysis of the old players back to reward the story behind the story

2015-06-30 23:39:30来源: 17173

无意间看17173这篇文章,突然就得网易正逐渐放弃,或者说已经放弃梦幻玩家新鲜血液的引入。为什么呢?首先从这几个测试区图片看出来,比以前是不是老玩家回归的奖励是不是明显的提高了!这不是吸引老玩家而做出的策略,毕竟老玩家回来的成本比起新手来说真的比较廉价,这是网易打出的感情牌. 对于一...

no intention to see this article 17173, suddenly Netease is gradually giving up, or to have to give up the introduction of the new dream players blood. Why? First pictures from the test area see, than before is not old players to return to the reward is not significantly improved.! this is not attract older players and make the strategy, after all, old players back cost than novice really relatively cheap, which is net easy to play the emotional card. For...

标签: 玩家