新关注 > 信息聚合 > MU神STEAM帐号被盗 帐号安全再引热议

MU神STEAM帐号被盗 帐号安全再引热议

Mu God Steam account stolen account security again lead the hot debate

2015-06-30 15:17:17来源: 游久网

MU神STEAM帐号被盗,发微博吐槽的同时希望V社保障玩家帐号安全。.. V社最近在官网宣布将不再在Steam上交易被骗的物品物归原主(查看原文),帐号安全与玩家虚拟财产问题再一次成为了舆论焦点。 而近日,DOTA2著名选手NB战队的MU神发表微博,表示帐号被盗。 今日,焦急...

MU Steam account stolen, microblogging Tucao hope V social security players account security. V.. Agency recently in the official website announced will no longer on steam it cheated items returned to its rightful owners (see text), account security and players' virtual property once again the problem again become the focus of public opinion. And recently, DOTA2 famous players MU team NB God released microblogging, said the account was stolen. Today, anxious...

标签: Steam