新关注 > 信息聚合 > 那些年梦幻西游里土豪的叫囧事


Those in Fantasy Westward Journey in the tyrant called embarrassing thing

2015-06-29 14:15:29来源: 17173

文章 摘要 那些年梦幻西游里土豪的叫囧事 我们身边的土豪也不少。尤其是春节前后,又到了各位土豪们晒年终奖的最佳时机,据说今年不少单位甚至准备了大把现金,号召员工们带着麻袋来领钱。

the abstract of those years Fantasy Westward Journey tyrant called embarrassing thing but also a lot of our side of the tyrant. Especially before and after the Spring Festival, and to every tyrant who exposes to the sun the best time at the end of the year award. It is said that this year many units even prepared a lot of cash, called on employees with sacks to pick up the money.

标签: 梦幻西游