新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方正版授权《讨妖传》改编手游《妖玉奇谭》正..


Official genuine authorized the demon talks biography "adapted hand tour of the demon Yu Tan" is..

2015-06-29 12:16:25来源: 不凡游戏网

“仙剑”、“轩辕剑”、“剑侠情缘”……,这些承载着无数玩家回忆和感动的国产传统RPG系列,随着MMORPG、页游、重度手游的崛起而慢慢淡出了中国玩家的视野。然而,正如 在各大主机平台上看到的一样,“最终幻想”、“勇者斗恶龙”、“英雄传说”等无数日式RPG仍在续写属于他们的经典。热爱传统R...

"Legend of the extraordinary", "Xuanyuan sword", "JX"... , which carries a myriad of players and moved to the traditional RPG series, with the rise of MMORPG, page tour, severe hand travel and slowly fade out of the Chinese players. However, as we saw in the host platform as, "Final Fantasy", "Dragon Quest", "the legend of heroes" numerous Japanese style RPG is still writing belongs to their classic. Love the traditional R...

标签: 手游