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记录你的光辉瞬间 《灵魂契约》成就系统火热上线

Record your shining moment "soul contract" achievement system hot line

2015-06-29 12:16:24来源: 不凡游戏网

“我要一步一步往上爬,等待阳光静静看着它的脸…”周董用一首歌记录自己努力向上爬的心路历程,而在魔幻手游49You《灵魂契约》,我们有成就系统为玩家们记录你们成长的每一步脚印,每一段辉煌都将成为你的勋章,并且用最好的奖励回馈给大家! 赫拉破除封印而出、寻找灵石陷入惊天阴谋、南北局势严峻、...

"I want to climb step by step, waiting quietly watching the sun's face it..." Jay song to record their efforts to climb on the journey, and in the magic hand tour 49You the soul contract ", we have achievements for players to record every step of the footprints of your growth, each a brilliant will become your medal, and use the best rewards for everyone! Hera, and break seal for Lingshi into a conspiracy, the grim situation in North and south,...