新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏《FIFA:移动版》9月推出 展开爽快足球对决

游戏《FIFA:移动版》9月推出 展开爽快足球对决

Game "FIFA: Mobile Edition" of the September launch launched refreshing football showdown

2015-06-27 12:51:04来源: 任玩堂

此前EA 在 E3 上公布了体育游戏《FIFA》系列手游的最新作 FIFA:Mobile 《FIFA:移动版》,作为一款全球知名的体育游戏系列,与前作比起来,这次新作究竟会在什么地方获得了加强和改进呢?先来看看游戏视频吧。 相比起前作《FIFA 15:终极队伍》,本作在操作 UI 方面...

previously EA at E3 announced the sports game "FIFA" series of mobile games for the latest FIFA:Mobile "FIFA: Mobile Edition", as a world-renowned sports game series, and for comparison, the new exactly where the strengthening and improving it? Let's look at the game. As compared to the previous FIFA 15: the ultimate team, the operation of the UI...

标签: 游戏