新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂将于下周进行服务器维护 联网将按受影响

任天堂将于下周进行服务器维护 联网将按受影响

Nintendo will next week for server maintenance network will be according to the affected

2015-06-27 12:37:40来源: 电玩巴士

今日,任天堂官方公布了新的服务器维护时间,此次维护依然是全球同步,《怪物猎人4》和《怪物猎人4G》(美版为《怪物猎人4U》)的服务器维护也将于第二天进行。在维护期间将无法进行线上游戏,也无法查看排名等需要网络支持的服务,本次维护时间较长,请各位玩家错开时段进行联网。 ● 北京时间20...

today. Official Nintendo released the new server maintenance time, the maintenance is still the global synchronization, "Monster Hunter" and "monster hunter 4G" (US version as "monster hunter 4U" server maintenance will also on the second day were. In maintenance period will not be able to play online, also cannot be examined ranking requires network support service, the maintenance time is long, please players you stagger period for the network. Beijing time 20...

标签: 任天堂