新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有钱真好 土豪晒阁子任性交易记录亮瞎眼

有钱真好 土豪晒阁子任性交易记录亮瞎眼

It's good to have money tyrant sun Gezi wayward trading records bright blind

2015-06-27 00:22:00来源: 游久网

一位土豪秀出了自己近期的藏宝阁交易记录,众多玩家不禁纷纷感慨,有钱真好! 一起来看看吧,咱们什么时候能这么任性就好了... 看大图 上图有个范式,是卖出的价格,下面是买入时 看大图 买入的价格,还训了几百万亲密...再来看看仙器!

a tyrant show their recent treasure court records, many players can not help but have mixed feelings, it's good to have money! Come take a look at it, when will we be so capricious. See big map a paradigm, is selling price. The following is buying larger purchase price, but also training the millions of intimate... Come take a look at the fairy!