新关注 > 信息聚合 > 关云长手游鲁肃属性羁绊详解


Kuan tour Lu Su attribute fetter detailed

2015-06-26 12:09:33来源: 4399

在三国演义中鲁肃是一个忠厚老实有点天然呆的形象。但是其实真正的三国历史上鲁肃也是一位纵横捭阖的人士。那么关云长手游中的鲁肃怎么样?下面小编就为大家带来鲁肃属性技能和羁绊的全面详解,感兴趣的玩家们不要错过哦! 天命技能(好施) 沉默地方全体5秒,减少资深终极技的成语冷却时间并提高全军对...

in romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Su is a honest a point to stay natural image. But in fact the real history of the three countries is also a person be perpendicular and horizontal su. What Lu GuanYunChang tour? Below is for everyone to bring Lu Su with the skills and attributes of the fetters of comprehensively explain, a sense of interested players don't miss Oh! Skills of Destiny (Hirsch) silent place all 5 seconds, reduce senior ultimate technology idiom cooling time and improve the army of...

标签: 手游