新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赤瞳之刃折扣精品店开启


Red pupil edge discount boutique opened

2015-06-26 16:43:49来源: 4399

赤瞳之刃大家都知道商城中的东西基本上是需要花费RMB购买获得,如果有打折的商品大家会不会更喜欢呢,本周赤瞳之刃也开启了折扣精品店哦!之前的商品大打折呢!赶快来逛下吧! 折扣精品店在哪?怎么去? 在【卡奥斯城】场景中,找到精品折扣店的NPC,即可进入哦! 本次在折扣精品店中出现套装、...

red pupil edge everybody knows mall is basically need to spend RMB purchase, if discounted goods you will not prefer it, this week red pupil blade also opens the discount boutique Oh! Before the goods on sale! As soon as possible to visit it! Discount boutique where? How to? In the Kaos city] [scene, find boutique discount of NPC, can enter the Oh! This in discount boutique appear suits,...