新关注 > 信息聚合 > 进军塔纳安!魔兽世界6.2版本今日上线


Enter an fontana! World of Warcraft Version 6.2 on-line today

2015-06-25 12:25:33来源: 多玩游戏

进军塔纳安 魔兽世界6.2“地狱火危机”今日上线 魔兽世界最新资料片德拉诺之王即将迎来最重要的版本——“地狱火危机”,在这个版本中,我们将来到塔纳安丛林,继续对钢铁部落展开强烈的攻势。而主战场,也变成我们熟悉而又陌生的地狱火堡垒;接下来,就让我们来看下新版上线之后,会接触到哪些好玩的内...

to enter the world of Warcraft Tanaan 6.2 "hell fire crisis" on-line today world of Warcraft the Delano king is about to usher in the most important version - "hell fire crisis". In this version, we in the future to the jungles of Tanaan, continued strong offensive of the iron horde. The main battlefield, but also become a familiar and unfamiliar to us, and the castle of fire; the next, let us look at the new version of the line, will be exposed to what fun...

标签: 魔兽世界