新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄元素如何让《守望先锋》具备游戏竞技性?


How to make "the hero" of the "vanguard" with the game? Heroes of

2015-06-24 12:07:31来源: 新浪

英雄作为《守望先锋》这款FPS游戏中的重要元素,一经公布就让全世界的玩家们眼前一亮,暴雪描绘着一个个有血有肉有故事的英雄人物。然而如何做到英雄配合之间的平衡让其充满竞技性,这或许是一个漫长的道路。 暴雪即将呈现的FPS游戏《守望先锋》将拥有MOBA的基因,这可以说是让我们激动不已。在...

as "watch pioneer" this FPS game in an important element, and one was announced let players in the world at present a bright, Blizzard depict a vivid story of the hero. However, how to achieve the balance between the hero and the balance between them, this may be a long way. Blizzard is about to show the FPS game "watch the pioneers" will have the MOBA gene, which can be said to make us excited. In...

标签: 游戏 守望先锋