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一枪爆头 腾讯《全民枪王》首曝

A gun headshot Tencent "national double tap" first exposure

2015-06-21 17:50:59来源: 4399

自从全民枪战火爆以来,众多枪战类型手游蜂拥而至,但是没有一款枪战手游能超越全民枪战,这不?4399雅熙偷偷发现,腾讯即将推出一款全新枪战手游全民枪王。 全民枪王是一款第几人称的FPS手游呢?与之前全民突击会有什么区别呢?全民枪王什么时候上线呢?这些问题,相信很多玩家都会询问,游戏内容官...

since universal gunfight unpopular since, many types of gun in hand flocked, but no a gunfight hand beyond universal gunfight. It's not? 4399 Ya hee secretly found Tencent, the upcoming launch of a new national Mobile Games gun gun. The gun is a first person FPS Mobile Games? What's the difference with the national assault before? A double tap what time line? These questions, I believe a lot of players will be asked, game content officer...

标签: 腾讯