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《洛汗》续作首部宣传视频曝光 夏季首测

"Luo sweat" sequel to the first promotional video exposure first summer

2015-06-20 07:35:52来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 《洛汗》正统续作《洛汗2》今日曝光首支游戏视频,该支视频时长约30秒,通过“10年的等待,洛汗传奇再次开启”的宣传语配合以悲鸿的背景乐,预示着一个全新世界的开启。 作为《洛汗》运营十周年的纪念之作,《洛汗2》是对前作世界观进行了全新诠释的一款战略型MMOR...

[17173 reports finishing] the Rohan "sequel" Rohan 2 "today exposed debut video games. The video about 30 seconds, by" 10 years of waiting, Rohan legend again open "slogan with Beihong's background music, indicating that opened up a new world. As a memorial to the ten anniversary of the operation of the Luo Khan, "Luo Khan 2" is a new interpretation of the world outlook for the first strategic MMOR...

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