新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强IP高认可 《九阴真经》手游首测次留93.1%

强IP高认可 《九阴真经》手游首测次留93.1%

Strong IP high recognition "Jiuyin scriptures" tour started the first test times to stay 93.1%

2015-06-19 11:43:24来源: 17173

次日留存93.1%,三日留存88.6%,今日,蜗牛数字旗下第一国民级武侠手游《九阴真经》在双平台首测结束后,公布了测试数据表现。强IP端游一脉相承,加上测试用户体验整体认可,让这款高期待武侠手游的次日、三日留存,明显领先同类竞品以及其它类型手游的同期测试数据,王牌级手游的品质得到印证。 ...

day retention 93.1%, retained 88.6% three days today, digital snail's first national level martial arts hand you "Jiuyin Zhenjing in dual platform first test after the end, announced the performance of test data. Strong IP end tour can be traced to the same origin, and user testing approved the overall experience, make this a high expectation of martial arts hand you the next day, three days retained, significantly ahead of similar competing products and other types of hand travel over the same period test data, ACE level tour quality have been confirmed. ...

标签: 手游