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任天堂E3表现糟糕 粉丝呼吁停止开发银河战士

After Nintendo E3 badly fans called stop developing Metroid

2015-06-19 02:11:10来源: 新浪

在众多愤怒的粉丝对昨天的发布会表示不满之后,任天堂承诺将会在明年的E3大展上表现得“更好一些”。 “非常感谢各位观看我们的发布会。”任天堂的主席兼首席执行官岩田聪在Twitter上表示,“我们会认真采纳各位对今年数字发布活动的意见,并且努力在明年更好地满足大家的期待。” 在海外一...

in many angry fans to yesterday's press conference expressed dissatisfaction, Nintendo commitment will be in next year's E3 show "better". "Thank you very much for watching our conference." Nintendo's president and CEO Satoru Iwata on twitter, said "we will conscientiously to adopt the views of the members of this digital publishing activities, and strive for next year to better meet the expectations of everyone." In overseas...

标签: 任天堂