新关注 > 信息聚合 > 草丛伏击斗智斗勇 九阳神功手游微操才是真英雄

草丛伏击斗智斗勇 九阳神功手游微操才是真英雄

Grass ambush battle of wits bucket Yong Jiuyang fascinating skills around travel micro is the true hero

2015-06-18 17:28:06来源: 4399

九阳神功手游在地图的设计上针对性的做了地形和各种buff的元素设计。如玩家通过对地形中增益BUFF区的利用可以实现gank配合,对迷雾草丛的利用可以随时埋伏反杀,通过灵活走位躲避致命的伤害性技能,这种设计大大丰富了指尖竞技游戏的策略性。 九阳神功手游的多种对抗模式均拥有被战争迷雾所笼罩...

Jiuyang fascinating skills around mobile games in the design of the map to do the elements of topography and buff design. As players through the use of terrain buffs district can gank fit, using the mist grass can be ready to ambush against kill, by the flexibility to walk avoid fatal damage abilities. This design greatly enriched the fingertips of competitive gaming strategy. A variety of combat mode Mobile Games nine mans power have been shrouded in fog of war...

标签: 手游