新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂新作遭炮轰 玩家联名要求取消开发

任天堂新作遭炮轰 玩家联名要求取消开发

Nintendo new shelling players signed a petition to cancel the development

2015-06-18 16:24:00来源: 265G


these last few days game circle is the basic news E3 scraper, Sony and Nintendo this against the old enemy nature is the focus of global attention. But play of "Final Fantasy 7", making the Shenmue 3 "and won the applause of the Sony compared. Nintendo conference clearly fell leeward, but luck is Nintendo announced at the press conference the Metroid: Confederate forces" by a large number of players were bombarded, tens of thousands of overseas players in the change petition,...

标签: 任天堂 玩家