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远征神装版代言人身份神秘 引网友狂想

Expedition God installed edition advocate the identity of the mysterious lead users fantasy

2015-06-18 12:49:52来源: 新浪

《远征神装版》近日动作频频,继神秘悬念站上线、发布神装版概念CG之后,更有传言《远征神装版》重金聘请国民级代言人,引发网友猜想狂潮! 神秘代言人身份成疑 有消息称《远征神装版》近日正在与代言人接洽,由代言人代表《远征》,与玩家相约神装版,玩爽的!据可靠消息,代言人为国民级别,但身...

the expedition God installed version "recently moves frequently, following after the mystery suspense station on the line, release God installed version of the concept of CG, more rumors of the expedition God installed version of" spend lots of money to hire a national spokesperson, cause net friend guess frenzy! Into the mysterious voice identity suspected sources said the God expedition installed version "was recently and spokesperson approached, by the spokesman on behalf of the" expedition ", with the players meet God loading, play cool! According to a reliable source, spokesperson for the national level, but...