新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解谜经典《未上锁的房间》亚洲官方中文版发布


Puzzle classic the locked room "Asian official Chinese version released

2015-06-18 11:43:37来源: 4399

日前,游戏开发商App Store上发行了《未上锁的房间》官方iOS亚洲版,该版本将支持中文、日文、韩文这三种东亚语言并提供免费下载。一直以来,解谜游戏《未上锁的房间》都被此类题材游戏爱好者奉为经典,而在之前由于语言限制而没有体验过的玩家,现在可以乘机愉快玩耍了。 2012 年 9 月...

recently, game developers on the app store issued the locked room" official IOS Asian Version, this version will support the Chinese, Japanese, Han Wenzhe three kinds of East Asian Languages and provide free download. Has been, puzzle game the locked room "is such a theme game enthusiasts regarded as a classic, and before due to the language restrictions have not experienced players can now be took the opportunity to enjoy playing. September 2012...