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问道团队冒险新玩法 多人副本大揭密

Asked team adventure games more than copy unmasked

2015-06-18 14:08:48来源: 新浪

百万在线网游大作《问道》,全新资料片“决战昆仑”重磅公测,海量内容重磅更新— —165级等级上线开启,160套装全面解锁,昆仑神镜全新玩法,异兽熔炼系统来袭。此外,资料片“决战昆仑”作为2015年首部力作,官方突破原有传统组队作战设定,推出大型多人团队冒险玩法,为你的带来前所未有的回合新...

million online games "asked", a new piece of information "battle of Kunlun" heavy beta, massive content heavy update - 165 grade open on-line, 160 suit fully unlock, Kunlun mirror of God new gameplay, animals smelting system struck. In addition, decisive battle "Kunlun" as the first masterpiece in 2015, official to break the original traditional team combat setting, launched massively multiplayer team adventure gameplay, you bring unprecedented new round...