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《侠客行》6月30日首测开启 特色玩法爆料

"Knight", June 30, the first test open features gameplay broke the news

2015-06-18 10:53:27来源: 17173

畅游联手金庸打造唯一横版武侠动作手游《侠客行》将于6月30日上午11时正式揭开iOS首测序幕,目前官网首测激活码预定正在火热进行中。今日,17173将爆料游戏的特色系统玩法,让玩家们先睹为快。 剧情关卡致敬原著经典 金庸先生授权的正版武侠手游大作《侠客行》将原著中经典武侠元素提炼并...

swim together Jin Yong build only horizontal version of martial arts moves in the travel "Knight" on the morning of June 30, 11 officially opened the IOS first test prologue, the official website of the first test activation code book is hot. Today, the 17173 broke the game features gameplay, let the game player to be all eagerness to see it. Level of the plot tribute authorized by the original classic Mr. Jin Yong's genuine martial arts hand you as "Knight", the original classic martial arts elements refining and...