新关注 > 信息聚合 > 17173小编带你逛E3:纯正骨灰玩家的饕餮盛宴


17173 Xiaobian take you shopping E3: pure hardcore of gamers gluttonous feast

2015-06-17 19:22:11来源: 17173

如果你想去游戏展看大胸和暴露的妹子,那么你就不必来E3了。这里是真正属于游戏玩家的饕餮盛宴:有海量游戏、有炫酷周边、有道具流COS、有一年一度的索尼微软大撕逼,但显然不会用卖肉的Showgirl来充门面! 每年17173的编辑们都会不远万里跨越大洋彼岸,为大家带回对E3的最详尽报道。...

if you want to go to the game show to see in and exposed to the sister, then you don't have to E3. Here is really belongs to the gluttonous feast of game players: a massive game, cool surrounding, props flow cos, the annual Sony Microsoft tear force, but apparently not butcher showgirl to fill the facade. 17173 annual editors will make light of travelling a thousand li across the ocean, back on the E3 of the most detailed reports for everyone. ...

标签: 玩家