新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《拳皇15》「特瑞·伯加德」角色预告视频公布


"King of boxing 15" role preview video of "Terry bogard" released

2021-03-18 11:24:49来源: 游戏时光

人气格斗游戏系列“拳皇”的最新作《拳皇15》即将于 2021 年年内发售,官方公布了“特瑞·伯加德”的角色预告视频。 视频地址作为 SNK 旗下另一个经典格斗系列《饿狼传说》的全勤主角之一,特瑞·博加德(CV:近藤隆)在《拳皇》系列中也一直全部参与客串,在全球范围有着极高的知名度。《拳皇15》中他将与东丈、安迪三人共同组成“饿狼传说队”出战。

The latest work of the popular fighting game series "king of boxing 15" will be on sale in 2021, and the role preview video of "Terry bogard" has been officially released. &As one of the full-time protagonists in SNK's another classic fighting series, the legend of the hungry wolf, Terry bogard (CV: Kondo) has also been a guest star in the boxing king series, and has a high reputation around the world. In "boxing emperor 15", he will fight with Dongzhang and Andy to form a "legend team of hungry wolf".   

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