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英国游戏周销量:《漫威蜘蛛侠 迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》登顶

UK game week sales: Marvel Spiderman miles Morales

2021-03-17 08:59:04来源: 游戏时光

最新一期的英国游戏周销量公布了,伴随 PS5 库存的到货,之前已连续两周维持销量榜第二位的《漫威蜘蛛侠 迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯》这周冲上了榜首的位置,这也是本作在去年 11 月 12 日发售首周以来首次登上销量榜榜首(首周销量排行第三)。相比上周本作销量提升了 36%,其中实体销量的 90% 都是 PS5 版,以至于就算去掉 PS4 版销量仍能拿下这周的冠军。 此前保持了四连冠的《超级马力欧3D世界 + 狂怒世界》这周被挤到第二的位置,销量下滑 15%。这周 Switch 游戏销量依旧非常强势,英国实体游戏销量榜第三至第五分别为 Switch 平台的《集合啦!动物森友会》《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》《我的世界》。次世代主机 PS5 自今年 2 月以来库存量得到了显著提升,使得多款 PS5 平台游戏销

With the arrival of ps5 inventory, marvel Spiderman miles Morales, which has been ranked second in sales for two consecutive weeks, has topped the list this week. This is also the first time that this book has been ranked first in sales since its first week of sale on November 12 last year (the third in sales in the first week). Compared with last week, the sales volume of this work increased by 36%, and 90% of the physical sales volume is ps5 version, so that even if the PS4 version is removed, the sales volume can still win this week's champion. &Super Mario 3D world + fury world, which previously won four consecutive titles, was pushed to second place this week, with sales down 15%. The sales of switch games are still very strong this week, and the third to the fifth in the UK's sales list of physical games are respectively the collection of switch platform! Animal Crossing club "Mario motor racing 8 Deluxe Edition" my world ". Since February this year, the inventory of the next generation host ps5 has been significantly increased, making a number of ps5 platform games sold well

标签: 游戏