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索尼公布新一期「Play At Home」游戏名单

Sony announces new "play at home" game list

2021-03-18 07:30:00来源: 游戏时光

索尼公布了最新一期「Play At Home」游戏名单,在 3 月 26 日至 4 月 23 日期间,玩家将可以免费领取以下 9 款游戏:《Rez:无限》《未知海域》《见证者》《挺进地牢》《美丽水世界》《莫斯》(PSVR)《宇宙机器人:搜救行动》(PSVR)《Paper Beast》(PSVR)《暴走甲虫》(PSVR)此外,索尼还将会在 4 月 20 日至 5 月 15 日内免费向玩家赠送《地平线零之曙光 完整版》。近日计划购买该游戏的朋友可以再等一等。来源:PlayStationBlog

Sony announced the latest "play at home" game list. From March 26 to April 23, players will receive the following nine free games: rez: infinity, unknown waters, witness, march into the dungeon, beautiful water world, PSVR, PSVR and paper In addition, Sony will give away the full version of horizon zero from April 20 to May 15 for free. Recently plans to buy the game friends can wait. Source: Playstation blog

标签: 游戏 索尼