新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奎爷、隆、士官长...《堡垒之夜》新赛季宣传片公开


Kuiye, Ron, Sergeant general... The new season Promo of Fortress night is open

2021-03-16 16:20:23来源: 游戏时光

Epic Games 在今天公开了《堡垒之夜》第二章第六赛季 的预告片,再次让玩家认识到了《堡垒之夜》强大的联动能力:奎托斯、春丽、佩德罗、隆、士官长等诸多经典角色均在本预告片中亮相。在新赛季中,玩家还可以游玩单人任务 “零点危机终章” ,在赛季中首次登录即可体验。视频地址

Epic Games released the trailer of the sixth season of chapter two of Fortress night today, which once again made players realize the powerful linkage ability of Fortress night: many classic characters such as Kratos, Chunli, Pedro, Ron, sergeant and so on appeared in this trailer. In the new season, players can also play the single player mission "zero crisis final chapter", and log in for the first time in the season to experience. Video address