新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《扎克·施奈德版正义联盟》媒体评分汇总:评价两极分化


Media rating summary of Zach Schneider's justice Alliance: evaluation polarization

2021-03-16 10:52:14来源: 游戏时光

《扎克·施奈德版正义联盟》的媒体评分已经在今天凌晨解禁。截至撰稿时 Metacritic 收录了 33 个媒体评测,平均分 55 分。本片将于 3 月 18 日在 HBO Max 上播出,全长 4 小时。每日电讯报 100/100它和它的前作一样有着模糊的外形和一些特定的关键场景,但它的每一个地方都不一样:以前空洞或滑稽的角色现在有了真正的决心和深度,而之前不连贯、轻量、花哨的动作场面,现在则成了同类作品中最壮观的。综艺 90/100毫无疑问,它却是是一部新电影。它不仅仅证明了施耐德最初的设想。这是一部宏大、灵活、沉浸式的娱乐片,一个骨子里是经典且传统的英雄团队起源故事,现在却以一种令人陶醉的童真和黑暗童话般的奇观来呈现。它把你带回到漫画黄金时代一直致力于的事情:让你感觉自己看到了地球的神在活跃。IGN 80/

The media rating for Zach Schneider's version of justice alliance was lifted early this morning. At the time of writing, Metacritic included 33 media reviews with an average score of 55. The 4-hour film will be broadcast on HBO Max on March 18. The Daily Telegraph 100 / 100 has the same vague appearance and some specific key scenes as its previous works, but every part of it is different: the characters who used to be empty or funny now have real determination and depth, while the incoherent, light and flowery action scenes before are now the most spectacular of their kind. Variety 90 / 100 is undoubtedly a new movie. It's not just proof of Schneider's original vision. This is a grand, flexible and immersive entertainment film. It is a classic and traditional story about the origin of the hero team, but now it is presented with an intoxicating childlike innocence and dark fairy tale spectacle. It brings you back to what you've been working on in the golden age of Comics: making you feel like you're seeing the God of the earth alive. IGN 80/