新关注 > 信息聚合 > 随着暴雪亲自下场,民间《暗黑破坏神2》重制会停止吗?


With the end of Blizzard, will the Remaking of Diablo 2 stop?

2021-03-16 17:26:00来源: 触乐

《暗黑破坏神2计划》(Project Diablo 2)是去年年底上线的一个《暗黑破坏神2》重制版本。一群“暗黑”系列粉丝对已经发售20年的《暗黑破坏神2》进行了改进,希望能在保留原作精髓的基础上让游戏变得更现代。《暗黑破坏神2计划》拥有“暗黑”系列玩家熟悉的玩法,但Mod制作组还会定期推出新内容,其中有些元素很容易让人联想到《流放之路》。游戏服务器每隔4个月会更新一次,添加新内容并不断调整平衡性。 “我们努力提升游戏质量,让某些受年代限制、设计粗糙的技能变得更完善,并改进大量过时的设计概念。”项目负责人SenpaiSomething说,“从本质上讲,我们正在将过去20年积累的RPG知识运用于《暗黑破坏神2》之中,就好像暴雪一直

Project Diablo 2 is a remake of Diablo 2, which was launched at the end of last year. A group of & lt; Diablo & gt; fans have improved Diablo 2, which has been on sale for 20 years, hoping to make the game more modern while retaining the essence of the original. Project Diablo 2 has a familiar way of playing for & amp; quot; Diablo & amp; quot; series players, but mod production team will regularly launch new content, some of which are easy to associate with the road to exile. The game server is updated every four months, adding new content and constantly adjusting the balance.

标签: 暴雪