新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:任天堂计划靠Switch新机型和游戏新作创下销售新纪录


Nintendo plans to set new sales records with new switch models and new games

2021-03-16 11:43:34来源: 游戏时光

彭博社早前曾报道任天堂计划于今年推出 Switch 的新机型,配有三星新生产的更大的 OLED 屏幕。今天彭博社又发文称,任天堂已经在为新财年的游戏和 Switch 销售做准备,凭借 Switch 新机型和一系列游戏新作,预计能创下新的年度销量新高。彭博社从消息来源处获悉,任天堂打算在截至 2022 年 3 月的新财年里,凭借将在今年发售的 OLED 屏 Switch 新机型维持 Switch 的年度销量平稳或创下略高的成绩。据消息来源透露,一系列新作的发布预计将使新财年的游戏销量达到 2.5 亿份,远超过当前财年 2.05 亿份的纪录。彭博社的消息来源是任天堂的合作伙伴和供应商,包括硬件零部件供应商、游戏发行商和零售商。由于所透露的任天堂计划是非公开的,因此消息来源不愿透露姓名。不过有分析师预测,任天堂的软硬

The company has reported earlier that Nintendo plans to launch a new switch model this year with a larger OLED screen produced by Samsung. Today, according to a new article issued by Peng Bo, Nintendo has been preparing for the sales of games and switches in the new fiscal year. With the new switch models and a series of new games, Nintendo is expected to set a new annual sales record. According to the sources, Nintendo intends to keep the annual sales of switch stable or slightly higher in the new fiscal year up to March 2022 with the new model of OLED switch to be released this year. According to sources, the release of a series of new works is expected to bring the game sales in the new fiscal year to 250 million copies, far exceeding the record of 205 million copies in the current fiscal year. The source of the news is Nintendo's partners and suppliers, including hardware parts suppliers, game publishers and retailers. As the disclosed Nintendo plan is private, the source declined to be named. But analysts predict that Nintendo's hard and soft