新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行全新Xbox无线耳机4月6日发售,售价799元


BOC's new Xbox wireless headset will go on sale on April 6 at 799 yuan

2021-03-16 10:57:01来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 中国官方宣布,“微软国行全新 Xbox 无线耳机将于 4 月 6 日在微软官方商城及 Xbox 游戏渠道合作伙伴处正式开售,售价为 799 元。新的 Xbox 无线耳机支持空间环绕音效、无线蓝牙双模,采用了轻量化的设计,头带可调节,耳罩转盘可快速调节音量,在与朋友通话时麦克风降噪功能可降低环境噪音。官方表示续航时间最长达 15 个小时。玩家可以“使用 Xbox Accessories 应用程序来自定义音频设置,包括调节均衡器、重低音、自动静音灵敏度、麦克风音量监测等”。来源:Xbox

Xbox China officially announced that "the new Xbox wireless headset of Microsoft Bank of China will be officially put on sale on April 6 at Microsoft's official mall and Xbox game channel partners at a price of 799 yuan. The new Xbox wireless headset supports space surround sound effect and wireless Bluetooth dual-mode, adopts lightweight design, adjustable headband, earmuff turntable can quickly adjust the volume, and microphone noise reduction function can reduce environmental noise when talking with friends. Officials say the maximum endurance is 15 hours. Players can "use"

标签: Xbox