新关注 > 信息聚合 > 驭龙空战游戏《世纪:灰烬纪元》3月12日开放第二轮内测


Yulong air game "century: the age of ashes" opened the second round of internal test on March 12

2021-03-15 15:58:16来源: 游戏时光

Playwing 旗下免费游玩内购收费制驭龙空战游戏《世纪:灰烬纪元》(Century: Age of Ashes)即将于 4 月首周推出 Steam 抢先体验游戏,官方宣布本作将于 3 月 12 日 22 时 ~3 月 22 日 17 时开启第二轮内测。 视频地址第二次内测将提供玩家新的匹配和游戏模式、改进后的控件进行人机演练的自由飞行,尽管首轮内测时玩家进度都已重制,但第二轮测试中获得的经验值、货币和可解锁内容将全部保留并能在抢先体验中继续沿用,且内测期间游戏内也会开放装扮商店,玩家可用赚来的货币在店内购买商品,但不会提供课金选项。Steam 测试参与页面在此。《世纪:灰烬纪元》是一款免费的在线 6v6 骑龙团战射击游戏,游戏提供了三种不同的职业和众多装备和传奇飞龙,玩家需要在激烈的战场高速缠斗并脱颖而出,

Century: age of ashes, a free game of playwing, will be launched in the first week of April. The official announced that the second round of internal test will be launched from 22:00 on March 12 to 17:00 on March 22. During the second round of the game, the player will continue to use the new in-house test mode to match the game's content and experience, and will be able to keep the second round of the game Families can buy goods in the store with the money they earn, but they won't offer the option of class money. The steam test participation page is here. Century: the age of ashes is a free online 6v6 dragon riding group war shooting game. The game provides three different professions, many equipment and legendary flying dragons. Players need to fight at high speed in the fierce battlefield and stand out,

标签: 游戏