新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam销量周榜:多人在线生存游戏《英灵神殿》六连冠


Steam's weekly sales list: six consecutive titles of multiplayer online survival game "the temple of the spirits"

2021-03-15 08:17:16来源: 游戏时光

新一周(3.8~3.14)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,本周位于销量榜榜首的仍是多人开放世界沙盒生存游戏《英灵神殿》(Valheim),目前本作已连续六周占据榜首,可谓势头不减。 《极限竞速 地平线4》于 3 月 9 日在 Steam 平台正式推出,本作普通版和终极版分别拿下销量榜第二和第五。上上周发售的独立 Roguelike 新作《循环勇者》从第二下滑至第三位,本作目前在 Steam 上有着 95% 的好评。本周 Steam 销量排名《英灵神殿》《极限竞速 地平线4》《循环勇者》Valve Index VR 套件《极限竞速 地平线4》终极版《鬼谷八荒》《反恐精英:全球行动》“狂牙大行动”通行证《中土世界:战争之影》终极版《要塞 群雄割据》《地铁 离乡》黄金版

In the new week (3.8 ~ 3.14), steam's sales list was released. This week, the number one sales list is still valheim, the multiplayer open world sandbox survival game. At present, this book has occupied the top of the list for six consecutive weeks, which can be described as momentum. &"Extreme speed horizon 4" was officially launched on steam platform on March 9. The regular version and the ultimate version won the second and fifth sales respectively. Last week's independent roguelike new book, the cycle warrior, fell from second to third place, and now has 95% of the acclaim on steam. Steam's sales ranking this week: the temple of heroes, the extreme speed horizon 4, the cycle warrior, the valve index VR suite, the extreme speed horizon 4, the ultimate version, the eight wastelands of ghost Valley, the anti terrorist Elite: global action, the operation crazy teeth pass, Middle Earth: the shadow of war, the ultimate version, the fortress separatist regime, and the golden version of subway leaving home

标签: Steam