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The new screenshot of "Wushuang 5 of Warring States period" and the introduction of combat system

2021-03-11 17:24:38来源: 游戏时光


Guangrong tekumo released some new characters and screenshots of "unparalleled in the Warring States period 5". Meanwhile, he introduced the background story and combat system of this work, and previewed the second official live program. Role introduction: Tadao moto (CV: Kobayashi) is good at weapons: big gun, Tokugawa Jiachen. Jiakang's best friend and trusted right arm. Different from Jiakang, the firm and powerful words and deeds always push Jiakang forward. I hate the complaints of defeat and Bancang. Maeda Lijia (CV: little sikhsin) is good at weapons: big gun weaving Tian Jiachen. Though a little clumsy, he is a warm-blooded man who attaches great importance to emotion and righteousness. He was a childhood sweetheart with Lord Xinchang. He was mischievous when he was young. Brave and good at fighting, known as "the left of the gun", with its high-strength force to support the young nobility. Asai Changzheng (CV: Shengu Haoshi) is good at weapons: Dao governance of the name of the North River. A good young man who is loyal and brave. Although young, he has a strong sense of responsibility and is trusted by his family officials and peers. In the process of fighting side by side with the alliance chaocang family, he met Guangxiu and deepened his relationship with him. Ashi (CV: Maeda AI) is good at weapons: the younger sister of talisman shinchang. have