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Morning news (March 12)

2021-03-12 07:00:50来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻2021年,Xbox主机商店终于加入了游戏语言支持列表现在微软官方已向 Xbox 主机和手机端的 Xbox Game Pass 推送了新版本更新,正式加入了游戏语言支持列表。玩家在进入游戏详情页前可以选择【语言】标签进行查看,该列表主要囊括界面、语音、字幕三个方面的语言支持信息。Denuvo宣布为PS5提供反作弊技术支持Denuvo 官方宣布,他们旗下的反作弊技术现已加入 PS5 开发工具中,将帮助开发者防范游戏作弊行为。(注:Denuvo 反作弊技术与 Denuvo 防篡改技术「D 加密」不是一回事)根据官方的说法,Denuvo 的反作弊技术「融入了先进的技术」,既能保证线上游戏的安全也能保证游戏离线进度的安全。据透露,已经有多款游戏登陆 PS5 时就加入了 Denuvo 的反作弊技术。卡普空怀旧主机

Game news in 2021, the Xbox host store finally joined the game language support list. Now Microsoft has officially pushed a new version of Xbox game pass to Xbox hosts and mobile phones, officially joining the game language support list. Before entering the game details page, players can select the [language] tab to view. The list mainly includes language support information of interface, voice and subtitle. Denuvo announced that it will provide anti cheating technical support for ps5. Denuvo officially announced that its anti cheating technology has been added to ps5 development tools to help developers prevent game cheating. (Note: denuvo anti cheating technology and denuvo tamper proof technology "d encryption" are not the same thing.) according to the official statement, denuvo's anti cheating technology "integrates advanced technology" to ensure the security of both online games and offline games. It is revealed that a number of games have joined denuvo's anti cheating technology when landing on ps5. Kapukong nostalgic host