新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无主之地3》DLC“导演剪辑版”延期至4月9日推出


The director's edition of landless 3 was postponed to April 9

2021-03-12 10:25:21来源: 游戏时光

Gearbox 发布公告,宣布原定于 3 月 19 日上线的《无主之地3》DLC“导演剪辑版”将延期至 4 月 9 日推出。自上个月以来,德克萨斯州遭遇了严重的大寒潮,导致全州大范围停电。公告表示,虽然开发团队的安全得到了保证,但游戏的开发工作受到了影响,为了保证玩家的游戏体验,工作室决定延期推出 DLC“导演剪辑版”。DLC“导演剪辑版”将包含全新的 BOSS、挑战,以及一系列新任务。来源:2K

Gearbox announced that the "director's editing version" of DLC "ownerless land 3", which was originally scheduled to go online on March 19, will be postponed to April 9. Since last month, Texas has suffered a severe cold wave, resulting in a large-scale blackout of the state. The announcement said that although the safety of the development team has been guaranteed, the development of the game has been affected. In order to ensure the player's game experience, the studio decided to postpone the launch of DLC "director editing version". The DLC "director's Edition" will include a new boss, challenges and a series of new tasks. Source: 2K