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《渡神纪 芬尼斯崛起》中国神话DLC 3月25日上线

"The rise of Phoenix" Chinese myth DLC launched on March 25

2021-03-12 10:28:55来源: 游戏时光

育碧宣布,《渡神纪 芬尼斯崛起》第二个DLC,即中国神话题材的「补天」DLC将 3 月 25 日上线。新 DLC 以「共工怒撞不周山」和「女娲补天」作为主题,玩家将扮演全新英雄「 喾 」(ku),踏上崭新的冒险。 我们在此前曾采访过「补天」DLC 的美术总监李清先生,他表示「补天的故事会稍微伤感一些。天破对世界带来的毁灭性的伤害,神与人都在这场灾害中受苦。但是作为主角的喾在面对巨大的挑战并没有放弃,与女娲和共工一起努力拯救世界,这一基调更加符合中国传统文化中悲天怜人的精神...补天怪物设计大部分都是在《山海经》的描述上做设计再加工...」。更多详情,欢迎浏览:采访《渡神纪 芬尼斯崛起》中国DLC美术总监:传统艺术带来大量灵感来源:育碧

Ubisoft announced that the second DLC of the rise of Phoenix, the Chinese mythological theme "mending the sky", will be launched on March 25. The new DLC & amp; nbsp; will play the new hero "Ku" and embark on a new adventure with the theme of "gonggongnu bumping into Buzhou mountain" and "Nuwa mending the sky". &We interviewed Mr. Li Qing, the art director of "mending the sky" DLC before, and he said that "the story of mending the sky will be a little sad. Both God and man suffered from the devastating damage of tianpo to the world. But as the protagonist, he did not give up in the face of huge challenges, and worked hard to save the world with Nuwa and Gonggong. This tone is more in line with the spirit of compassion for heaven and people in traditional Chinese culture... Most of the designs of Bunian monsters are based on the description of Shanhaijing. For more details, please visit: Interview with China DLC art director: traditional art brings a lot of inspiration source: Ubisoft