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《看门狗 军团》的线上模式,可能才是它的真正形态

The online mode of "the watchdog corps" may be its real form

2021-03-11 16:19:32来源: 游戏时光

首先声明:真正形态,并不意味着它好玩。《看门狗 军团》单人模式的评价比较糟糕,较为空洞的内容与让这款游戏不值得留恋,官方大幅度宣传的“每个人都是可玩角色”的“军团系统”则更像是缺少人物塑造的遮羞布。不过在线上模式中,这些缺点都被掩盖了,因为这种绿洲式联机游戏并不需要开发者对玩家角色进行塑造,玩家会自行塑造自己的角色;至于内容的空洞则可以由玩家行为带来的意外与随机性填充。在这个基础上,《看门狗 军团》招牌的“军团系统”与“多人合作”标签非常契合。因为“军团系统”意味着玩家招募的所有角色都在为同一个目标奋斗,但单人故事模式的游戏推进方式却好似“葫芦娃救爷爷,一个一个送”。既然都是军团了,为什么不各司其职同时上阵呢?线上模式确实解决了这个问题,不同玩家扮演的不同角色可以各司其职,比如让有保安制服的玩家先行混入目的地关

First of all: the real form, does not mean that it is fun. The evaluation of the single player mode of "watchdog Legion" is relatively bad, and the empty content and content make the game not worthy of nostalgia. The "Legion system" of "everyone is a playable role", which is highly publicized by the government, is more like a fig leaf lacking in characterization. However, in the online mode, these shortcomings are all covered up, because this oasis online game does not need developers to shape the players' characters, and the players will shape their own characters; as for the empty content, it can be filled by the accidents and randomness brought by the players' behavior. On this basis, the "Legion system" of the "watchdog Legion" signboard fits well with the label of "multi person cooperation". Because the "Legion system" means that all the characters recruited by players are fighting for the same goal, but the single story mode of the game is like "gourd baby saves grandfather, one by one". Since they are all legions, why don't they perform their duties at the same time? Online mode does solve this problem. Different players can play different roles, such as allowing players with security uniforms to enter the destination first