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微软宣布20款Bethesda游戏加入Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft announces 20 beta games to join Xbox game pass

2021-03-12 10:10:55来源: 游戏时光

随着 Bethesda 八家工作室加入 Xbox 第一方,Xbox Game Pass 自然也不会落下它们的游戏。微软今日宣布 20 款 Bethesda 游戏均于 2021 年 3 月 12 日(美国时间)加入 XGP,其中有 16 款加入了主机、PC、云游戏全平台。 微软表示其中部分游戏未来将支持 FPS Boost 帧数增强,具体消息日后公开。《耻辱 终极版》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《耻辱2》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《毁灭战士》(初版)平台:主机、PC、云游戏《毁灭战士2》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《毁灭战士3》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《毁灭战士64》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《毁灭战士 永恒》平台:主机、PC、云游戏《上古卷轴

&Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; with eight Bethesda studios joining the Xbox first party, naturally Xbox game pass won't leave their games behind. Microsoft announced today that all 20 Bethesda games will join XGP on March 12, 2021 (US time), and 16 of them will join the whole platform of mainframe, PC and cloud games. &Microsoft said that some of the Games will support FPS boost frame number enhancement in the future, and the specific news will be made public in the future. "Shame ultimate" platform: host, PC, cloud game "shame 2" platform: host, PC, cloud game "destroyer" (First Edition) platform: host, PC, cloud game "Destroyer 2" platform: host, PC, cloud game "destroyer 3" platform: host, PC, cloud game "destroyer 64" platform: host, PC, cloud game "destroyer 64" "Eternal" platform: host, PC, cloud game "ancient scroll"

标签: 微软 Xbox