新关注 > 信息聚合 > 环球影城“超级任天堂世界”园区将于3月18日开业


Universal Studios super Nintendo World Park will open in March 18th.

2021-03-08 14:03:04来源: 游戏时光

任天堂在社交媒体上宣布,环球影城的“超级任天堂世界”园区将于 3 月 18 日正式开业。“超级任天堂世界”园区的开放工作并不顺利,最初计划在去年夏天开幕的东京奥运会时开放,后延期至今年春季开放,之后宣布在 2 月 4 日开放。在 2 月 4 日前又受到“紧急事态宣言”影响而再次宣布延期。根据环球影城的官网信息显示,为了避免人群聚集,在正式开放时会限制入场人数,并且游客在园区内需要全程佩戴口罩。来源:twitter,usj.jp

Nintendo announced in social media that Universal Studios's "super Nintendo world" park will open in March 18th. The opening of the "Super Nintendo World" Park was not smooth. It was originally planned to open at the Tokyo Olympic Games, which opened last summer, and then postponed to this spring. It was announced that it would open on February 4. Before February 4, affected by the "Declaration of emergency", the extension was announced again. According to the official website of Universal Studios, to avoid crowd crowding, the number of visitors will be restricted when the official opening is open, and visitors need to wear masks throughout the park. Source: Twitter, usj.jp

标签: 任天堂