新关注 > 信息聚合 > 针对Xbox Series X/S手柄按键无响应问题,微软正在寻求解决办法

针对Xbox Series X/S手柄按键无响应问题,微软正在寻求解决办法

Microsoft is looking for a solution to the problem of non response of Xbox series X / s handle buttons

2021-03-06 12:24:09来源: 游戏时光

一部分玩家的 Xbox Series X/S 手柄似乎出现了问题,其中大多数都表现为按键无响应。其实从 2020 年 11 月开始就有玩家陆陆续续提到这一点,比如有人在 PC 上玩《FIFA》时发现 Y 键在 15 分钟内失效了好几次;还有人连着 Xbox Series X 主机,按任何键都没反应。微软目前发布了一份声明,其中写到:“我们对所有产品都进行了严格的质量保证测试,并致力于为用户提供无与伦比的游戏体验。我们注意到一些玩家持有的新 Xbox 无线控制器可能会失去响应,我们的团队正在积极研究解决方案。为了获得最好的体验,我们鼓励用户访问 Xbox Support 寻求帮助。”来源:PCGamer

There seems to be something wrong with some players' Xbox series X / s handles, and most of them are unresponsive. In fact, since November 2020, some players have mentioned this point one after another. For example, some people found that the Y key failed several times in 15 minutes when they were playing FIFA on their PC; some people even connected to the Xbox series X host and pressed any key but didn't respond. Microsoft has now issued a statement, which reads: "we have carried out strict quality assurance testing on all products and are committed to providing users with an unparalleled gaming experience. We have noticed that some of the new Xbox wireless controllers held by players may lose their response, and our team is actively working on solutions. For the best experience, we encourage users to visit Xbox support for help. " Source: Pcgamer

标签: Xbox 微软