新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥兰多任天堂主题乐园因疫情延迟两年开放


Orlando Nintendo theme park opens two years later due to epidemic

2021-03-06 11:04:52来源: 游戏时光

奥兰多环球影城已将“超级任天堂世界”主题公园的开放目标延期至 2025 年初,这相比原计划跳票约两年之久。其市长 Jerry Demings 在《前哨报》的一份声明中证实了此事。由于新冠疫情的原因,环球公司的 Epic Universe 公园的建设工作于 2020 年 7 月暂停。3 月 3 日,奥兰多环球公司发布了工程的最新进展,他们表示主题公园项目现已恢复施工。虽然目前没有详细的内部消息公开,但鉴于开幕时间与当前相隔约四年,似乎奥兰多市的超级任天堂世界的施工也只是刚刚起步而已。此外,“超级任天堂世界”在好莱坞和新加坡等地的工程进度也不同程度的受疫情影响,现已建成的日本大阪环球影城“超级任天堂世界”或成为最早开放的主题公园。来源: VG247

Orlando Universal Studios has postponed the opening goal of the super Nintendo world theme park to early 2025, which is about two years longer than the original plan. Its mayor, Jerry demings, confirmed this in a statement in the sentinel. Because of COVID-19, the construction of Epic Universe Park of global company was suspended in July 2020. On March 3, Orlando Universal released the latest progress of the project, saying that the theme park project has resumed construction. Although there is no detailed internal information available, it seems that the construction of Super Nintendo World in Orlando is just in its infancy due to the fact that the opening time is about four years away. In addition, the progress of the "super Nintendo world" in Hollywood and Singapore has been affected to varying degrees by the epidemic. The "super Nintendo world", which is now built in Osaka Universal Studios, Japan, has become the earliest open theme park. Source: VG247

标签: 任天堂