新关注 > 信息聚合 > 区块链塔防游戏《加密货币:披荆斩棘》现已登陆PC


Blockchain tower defense game "cryptocurrency: cutting through the thorns" has now landed on PC

2021-03-03 14:38:53来源: 游戏时光

发行商 Plug In Digital 宣布,由独立工作室 Pictagor Games 开发的塔防策略游戏《加密货币:披荆斩棘》(Crypto Against All Odds)已正式登陆 Steam/GOG 平台,截止 3 月 10 日购买仅需 29 元(七八折优惠),官方一并公布了本作预告视频。 视频截图《加密货币:披荆斩棘》是一款将“区块链”安全概念与现代策略塔防玩法相融合的游戏,游戏背景定位于一个赛博朋克式的社会中,玩家作为一名区块链安全专家,利用加密货币构建防线,抵抗漏洞、黑客、勒索软件从而完成悬赏任务,随着黑客活动愈演愈烈,你感觉整个加密空间都受到了某种威胁。通过与其他论坛用户的沟通,阅读终端对话和消息版上的信息,一个巨大的阴谋逐渐浮出水面,与此同时,幕后黑手也在试图揭开你

Plug in digital, the publisher, announced that crypto resist all ODS, a tower defense strategy game developed by pictagor games, an independent studio, has officially landed on steam / Gog platform. As of March 10, it only costs 29 yuan (70% discount) to buy, and the official announced the preview video.    The video screenshot "cryptocurrency: cutting through the thorns" is a game that combines the security concept of "blockchain" with the modern strategy of tower defense. The background of the game is located in a cyberpunk society. As a blockchain security expert, the player uses cryptocurrency to build a defense line, resist loopholes, hackers and blackmail software, so as to complete the reward task. With the increasing hacker activities, the game is more and more popular It's getting worse. You feel that the whole encrypted space is under some kind of threat. Through the communication with other forum users, reading the terminal dialogue and information on the message board, a huge conspiracy gradually surfaced. At the same time, the behind the scenes are also trying to uncover you

标签: 游戏 PC 区块链