新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《仙剑奇侠传七》第三季度推出,《仙剑客栈2》9月发售


"Legend of swordsman 7" was launched in the third quarter, and "swordsman Inn 2" was on sale in September

2021-03-05 12:04:51来源: 游戏时光

大宇资讯于近日接受了工商时报的采访,透露了公司接下来的运营计划。其中,《仙剑奇侠传七》终于敲定了发售窗口,正式确定第三季度推出;《仙剑客栈2》首次曝光,并且马上确定会在 9 月发售,可以说是非常让人惊喜。手游方面,《仙剑奇侠传 九野》手游现已推出,《明星志愿 璀璨星恋》即将在 3 月上线。《仙剑奇侠传》初代曾在 2005 年翻拍过电视剧,由胡歌和刘亦菲主演,大宇表示将要翻拍该版电视剧,目前剧本已经完成,即将开拍。此外公司旗下还有两部网络电影和三部电视剧即将授权。来源:工商时报

In a recent interview with the business times, Daewoo information disclosed the company's next operation plan. Among them, "Legend of the seven swordsmen" has finally finalized the sales window, officially determined to be launched in the third quarter; "Legend of the seven swordsmen Inn 2" was first exposed, and it will be released in September immediately, which can be said to be a great surprise. In terms of mobile games, "nine wild swordsmen" mobile games have been launched, and "star volunteer bright star love" will be launched in March. In 2005, the first generation of Xianjian Qixia remade the TV series, starring Hu Ge and Liu Yifei. Daewoo said that he would remake the TV series. At present, the script has been completed and will start shooting soon. In addition, the company also has two online movies and three TV series to be authorized. Source: Business Times