新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「大古」来安利「迪迦」手办了!迪迦25周年纪念手办宣传片公开


"Dagu" has come to Amway "Degas" to handle it! Dijia's 25th anniversary publicity video

2021-03-05 11:10:34来源: 游戏时光

今日,万代正式公开迪迦 25 周年纪念 SHF 真骨雕“复合型”手办宣传片,宣传片由于迪迦奥特曼人间体演员长野博参演,可谓是情怀满满。该手办售价 6600 日元(含税),全高约为 15 cm,预计 2021 年 7 月发售,3 月 8 日起即可预订。视频地址本商品为奥特曼系列首个 SHF 真骨雕手办,是“送给 25 年前见过光之巨人的孩子们的礼物”,其特色在于完美还原角色形象的同时保证手办的可动性。有兴趣的用户千万不要错过这次机会。来源:TamashiiNations

Today, Wandai officially released the SHF "composite" hand-made promotional film for the 25th anniversary of diga. The promotional film is full of feelings due to the participation of diga Altman actor Hiro Nagano. The manual is priced at 6600 yen (tax included) and the full height is about 15 cm. It is expected to be available in July 2021 and can be reserved from March 8. Video address this product is the first SHF real bone carving handmade by Altman series. It is a "gift for children who saw giant of light 25 years ago". Its feature is to restore the character image perfectly and ensure the mobility of handmade. Interested users must not miss this opportunity. Source: Tamashii nations