新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《符文工厂5》「豪华限定版」介绍视频公布


Rune Factory 5 "luxury limited edition" introduction video released

2021-03-01 10:40:43来源: 游戏时光

Marvelous 旗下经营养成 RPG 游戏《符文工厂5》即将于 5 月 20 日登陆 Switch,官方今日公布了一则全新预告视频来介绍即将推出的豪华限定版详情。 视频地址《符文工厂5》豪华限定版“Premium Box”将包含本作人设画师岩崎美奈子特别绘制的收藏盒、超 60 页的人设及背景美术相关画集、精选 15 首曲目重新编曲的原声乐集、来自《符文工厂4》13 名主要角色的服装下载码,其中设定画集语言对应繁体中文,13 件特典服装中 6 件为男主角限定、7 件为女主角限定。 限定版数量有限,限购先得。

Marvelous's RPG game "Rune Factory 5" will be launched on switch on May 20. The official today released a new preview video to introduce the details of the upcoming luxury limited edition.    The video address "Premium Box", a luxury limited edition of "Rune Factory 5", will include the collection box specially drawn by the artist, Miyako Iwasaki, a collection of more than 60 pages related to human design and background art, the original vocal music collection with 15 selected tracks rearranged, and the clothing download code from 13 main characters of "Rune Factory 4". Among them, the language of the collection is set to correspond to traditional Chinese, and 13 characters are selected Among the special clothes, 6 are for the male protagonist and 7 are for the female protagonist.

标签: 视频