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Daily morning news (March 1)

2021-03-01 07:40:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻《一生推不如一生恋》将推出续作百合向游戏《一生推不如一生恋》续篇 FanDisc 制作决定,将有新角色加入。《Bang Dream!少女乐团派对!》将登陆NS昨天是《Bang Dream!少女乐团派对!》企划六周年,官方在社交媒体上宣布游戏将登陆 Switch 平台,预计将于 2021 年内发售。东方Project第18作《东方虹龙洞〜Unconnected Marketeers.》公布“东方Project”系列第 18 作《东方虹龙洞 〜 Unconnected Marketeers.》已正式公布。本作将在 3 月 21 日举办的博丽神社例大祭上发布体验版,正式版预计 5 月发布。谷歌或已取消一系列Stadia第三方独占作品,包括小岛秀夫新作据外国媒体 VGC 的报道,谷歌不仅仅是砍掉了 Stadia

The game news "life push is not as good as life love" will launch a sequel lily to the game "life push is not as good as life love" sequel fandisc production decision, there will be new roles to join. 《Bang Dream! Girl band party! 》Going to NS yesterday was bang dream! Girl band party! 》On the sixth anniversary of the project, the government announced on social media that the game will be launched on the switch platform and is expected to be available in 2021. The 18th work of Dongfang project "Dongfang Honglong cave to unconnected markets." has been announced. The 18th work of "Dongfang project" series "Dongfang Honglong cave to unconnected markets." has been officially announced. The experience version will be released at the ceremony of Boli shrine on March 21, and the official version is expected to be released in May. Google may have canceled a series of third-party exclusive works of stadia, including Hideo Oshima's new work. According to foreign media VGC, Google is not just cutting down stadia