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东方Project第18作《东方虹龙洞〜Unconnected Market…

Dongfang Honglong cave to unconnected market

2021-02-28 08:21:43来源: 游戏时光

“东方Project”系列第 18 作《东方虹龙洞 〜 Unconnected Marketeers.》于昨日正式公布。本作将在 3 月 21 日举办的博丽神社例大祭上发布体验版,正式版预计 5 月发布。本次的异变背景:坊间流通着不可思议的卡片。那张卡片里,似乎包含了许多人类与妖怪的秘密。为什么要做这种事?是谁做的?怎样做到的?巫女就这样毫无头绪地出门调查。本作以彩虹色为基调,有博丽灵梦、雾雨魔理沙、十六夜咲夜、东风谷早苗 4 名可用角色。她们在游戏中能获得各种角色的部分能力,向异变发起挑战。本作包含装备可以所选的能力的道具系统,玩家还可以在途中购买获得新能力。来源:ZUN

The 18th work of the "Oriental project" series, "Oriental Honglong cave to unconnected markets," was officially announced yesterday. The experience version will be released at the ceremony of Boli shrine on March 21, and the official version is expected to be released in May. Background: Incredible cards are circulating in the market. That card seems to contain a lot of human and monster secrets. Why do you do this? Who did it? How is it done? The witch went out to investigate without any clue. This work is based on the rainbow color. There are four characters available in this work, namely, bolilingmeng, WuYumo Lisha, 16yeyiye and dongfenggu Zaomiao. In the game, they can obtain part of the ability of various roles and challenge the change. This work includes the props system that can be equipped with the selected abilities. Players can also purchase new abilities on the way. Source: Jun