新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《消逝的光芒》Steam限时免费中,丧尸狩猎活动推出


Steam is free for limited time, zombie hunting is launched

2021-02-27 11:37:08来源: 游戏时光

为庆祝《消逝的光芒》发售 6 周年,Techland 于近期在 Steam 上开启了游戏的限时免费活动:截止至 3 月 1 日,玩家可以畅玩本作的标准版,支持存档继承至最终版。除了能够游玩标准版外,《消逝的光芒》「丧尸狩猎活动」也从 26 日起开放给全平台的玩家,活动时间持续两周。玩家也可以购买新的「哈兰战术小队同捆包」,其中包括新武器、盾牌和越野车皮肤,售价 2.99 美元。

To celebrate the sixth anniversary of the release of the lost light, techland recently launched a limited time free activity on steam: as of March 1, players can enjoy the standard version of the game, and support archiving and inheritance to the final version. In addition to being able to play the Standard Version, "vanishing light" and "zombie hunting" are also open to all platform players from the 26th, and the activity lasts for two weeks. Players can also buy a new "Harlan tactical team kit", which includes new weapons, shields and SUV skins, for $2.99.

标签: Steam