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【福利】战术策略新作《Hot Brass》2.26登陆Steam

[welfare] new tactical work "hot brass" landed in steam on 2.26

2021-02-24 12:27:15来源: 游戏时光

独立工作室 Walk with Kings 旗下策略战术游戏新作《Hot Brass》将于 2021 年 2 月 26 日登陆 Steam 平台,游戏支持简体中文。 视频地址《Hot Brass》是一款俯视角的特警题材战术游戏,玩家将扮演精锐部队的 SWAT 人员,在一系列任务中随机应变、快速思考,从而逮捕罪犯并拯救生命,玩家可以最多四人在线或本地合作,也可单枪匹马独自行动,任务的每个场景都有其独特的障碍、挑战和致命危险,需要玩家运用各角色专属的技能和各种设备进行渗透和化解,通过游玩解锁更多武器和小工具,拿出一个更完美的方案。 福利时间在本文评论区留言,你就有机会得到本作 Steam 激活码!

The new strategy and tactics game "hot brass" of independent studio walk with kings will be launched on steam platform on February 26, 2021. The game supports simplified Chinese.    Video address "hot brass" is a top-down angle of SWAT theme tactical game, players will play elite troops Swat Players can work together online or locally, or they can act alone. Each scene of the task has its own unique obstacles, challenges and fatal dangers. Players need to use the exclusive skills and equipment of each role to penetrate and resolve, and unlock through playing More weapons and gadgets, come up with a more perfect solution. &If you leave a message in the comments section of this article, you will have a chance to get the steam activation code!

标签: Steam